grocery store tour header

You are concerned about eating the overly engineered and processed foods.
You assume healthy foods are too expensive.
You often have the information yet implementing seems complicated.
You are confused about what to eat and feed.

You have many questions.

????What is the difference between “Natural” and “Organic”, between “Organic” and “Non-GMO”?
What is the healthier alternative to your not so healthy comfort food?
Is all meat made equal?
The label says 28 gm sugar but I don’t see the sugar on the ingredient list????

Reserve your spot for Monthly Grocery Store tour and have these and more answered while experiencing an easy way to shop healthy. Take home the knowledge, learn about the Dirty Dozen, get new food ideas, alternatives to unhealthy favorites and a comprehensive reference guide. 

  Next Healthy food shopping workshop 

September 26th  2017, 1030 am to 1230 pm

November 15th  2017, 1030 am to 1230 pm ( Private Event)

February 16th  2018, 1030 am to 1230 pm

February 20th  2018, 630 pm to 830 pm ( Private Event -Weigh Well MD)

March 22nd 2018 7 pm – 9 pm

November 15th  2018, 7 pm to 9 pm 

February 19th 2019 , 11 am to 1 pm

Schedule Now

(This service is offered in-person to those in South West Houston Area)

  Contact to receive schedule for grocery store tours.


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Come along for a fun and informative healthy grocery shopping tour and discover tricks for shopping healthier.
  • Become a savvy food shopper, know where spend to and where to save
  • Decipher food labels
  • Learn about ingredients to be wary of
  • Explore healthier alternatives
  • Take home a 20-page reference guide
  • Embrace healthier eating

Schedule Now

If you are interested in a group grocery shopping tour please contact today for group pricing and details.

What other services do I offer?







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Join Waitlist Oh, can’t wait to start this one! Look out for an email from me when it is scheduled next.
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